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Franking machine, let’s do the maths….


A franking machine will cost around £1500 a year on top of that you have to pay for maintenance and ink. I am not going to even estimate what that will be, as the top figure alone is worthy of scrutiny.

We will work out how much mail you will need to send to break even on the monthly rental of £125 (approx). For the purpose of this exercise we will use the two types of mail that will be used predominantly they are 1st class small letter and 2nd class small letter.

1st class mail at £1.06 franking as opposed to £1.35 stamped a saving of 29p. How many 29p’s does it take to recoup your rental?

431 letters sent in a month every month gets you to break even on the rental. Anything over 431 you are saving money. But there maybe months were you send well below or even zero.

2nd class mail at 69p franking as opposed to 85p stamped a saving of 16p. How many 16p’s does it take to recoup your rental?

781 letters sent in a month every month gets you to break even on the rental. This is without taking into account paying for the ink or the maintenance costs which I have been told are rather pricey.

Other things to consider is labour time of having someone sending the mail through franking machines, it all adds up to way more than the figures I have quoted.

If your not hitting these figures then don’t even contemplate paying for a franking machine. Tied into contracts of upto 5 years, at the mercy of their price rises. Once you have tied yourself in your effectively what they call in poker “pot committed” or gambling to win with a hand you know will never win. The final act of desperation in the hope there is a bluff happening. But there’s no bluff they always have the Royal Flush.

I called in at a school today and they had literally just signed a 3 year contract for a franking machine. They won’t send the amounts quoted above so they’ve been tricked into over paying for their mail.

Our prices are 19p cheaper for 2nd class franking for schools without the monthly out lay of a franking machine. And we are 21p cheaper than franking for 1st class mail. Some Wirral schools, the ones who have done their “homework” are reaping the benefits.

Let’s say you send 431 1st class letters a month through franking, here is your outlay.

431 x £1.06 = 456.86

Rental = 125.00 (approx)

That’s £581.86 % 431 = £1.35 a letter the actual cost of stamped mail.

At Local Postal Solutions it’s.

431 x 0.85= £366.35

No contract, no laborious franking mail, invoiced a month in lieu, delivery starts from collection (same day) and a saving of £215.51 a month or £2,586.12 a year.

Our Wirral network is here for every Wirral business, school, charity, housing association and council to use. Since we started in July 2023 we have saved our clients thousands.

Call 07830 369 446 for a quick chat and see if you want to become a part of the Wirral postal revolution. We look forward to saving you money.

Not just a postman.

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