The first Local Postal Solutions delivered Christmas 🎄 cards have started appearing in the post. It’s very exciting to be integral in the whole process, normally I would just be the one delivering the cards. But this year I collect, sort and deliver. It gives me great pleasure to be able to donate 10p for every card to charity. If it continues the way it’s started we are going to be very busy this Christmas 🎄. We love the challenge Christmas 🎄 post will pose.
Post boxes 📮 are located at:
The Art of Flowers, 219 Seaview Road, Wallasey. 📮
The Drawing Room, 50 Christchurch Road, Oxton. 💌
The Hairdressers, 14 Pasture Road, Moreton. 📮
North West Locksmiths, 20 Mount Pleasant Road, Wallasey. 💌
A warm welcome is assured in all these shops, and at 55p for postage a saving of 20p, sending your Wirral bound post through us just makes sense. For every 55p we collect 10p is getting donated to a local charity ‘Wirral Stroke Survivors Art Group’. Supporting local businesses has never been so important. Alternatively, if you are sending over 5 cards but live nowhere near any of the Christmas 🎄post box 📮locations we can arrange to collect from you. But with no form of mobile payment we can only accept cash for this service. Cash is also preferable in the shops so our vendors don’t incur costs through card payments.
To get that Christmassy 🎄feeling LPS have released alternative Christmas 🎄carols, which have been slightly altered to promote local businesses who we currently support. ‘Away in a manger‘ has been adapted to support Mello Baby Boutique, and last night we released our second carol O’ little town of Bethlehem which has been adapted to ‘O’ Art of Flowers on Seaview Road’. There are more to follow so keep your eyes peeled on our Facebook page. In the meantime keep the Christmas 🎄post 💌coming and we will keep delivering Christmas🎄 to all our Wirral residents.
Not just a postman.
