It’s not every week we are able to take on new clients, but this week we can in certain areas of our business and network only. Please email to to enquire about availability.
Mail - Any businesses, schools, services or charities are invited to contact us to enquire about how they can save huge amounts every week on their postal costs. Wirral mail only and only from Wirral based establishments.
Postables - Any parcels which are postable we don’t class as parcels so there is huge savings to be made. We have a few vacancies for any of these items.
Leaflets - We have only two vacancies left for 1000 leaflet drops this month. All leaflets delivered with our addressed mail, making it far more likely to be noticed, read and responded too. First come first served.
Parcels - Due to demand to use our same day collect and delivery service for £3 per parcel. We have only very limited availability. Please enquire if we can fit you in we will, if not we can pop you on the waiting list for next availability. We can normally let you know if we have availability by 11am, giving you plenty of time to queue in the post office to pay up to 50% more by using a national company for your local parcels.
Direct Addressed Marketing (DAM) - A concept that only we can do the way we do it. Due to it being a new concept we are trialling two businesses currently. We have vacancies for another two at trial rates so it’s 25% off for June and July. It’s definitely something that needs a free consultation to see if we can tailor your needs to our revolutionary marketing delivery.
If you would like to enquire about any of these services further e-mail and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Not just a postman.
