Normally you associate a challenging day with being incredibly busy, hectic, things not going to plan or just being de-motivated. For me a challenging day is when there isn’t enough work. Today was one of them days, unfortunately. Combined with a disappointment from earlier in the week following our appearance on Radio Merseyside. Not being busy just unfortunately allowed me to overthink and put a slightly negative spin on everything Local Postal Solutions. I know from the way my mind works that today was what I call a processing day. A day when I’ve had a few knocks in the week and I need to think about them and then process that information. Tomorrow those knocks will be filed away and I would have learnt a little bit more about myself.
Enough of the self loathing, tomorrow harbours new opportunities. We have a bit more media coverage tomorrow. A camera crew will be following me around on my bicycle deliveries and collections. A little interview where I can hopefully right a few wrongs from my last effort. This time it’s for Wirral View an online council magazine I think. They’ve already published an article and want to follow it up with some visuals. Seems odd that I get so much media attention. But the oddest thing about all the media attention is that I have yet to establish any new business from it. Every client I have is through a recommendation or from me walking through their door.
A thought crossed my mind this week to do an annual booklet celebrating our first year in business. Promoting the local businesses we work for with maybe a few special offers from them. Keeping it community based and more light hearted than my blogs. I am finding more and more that trying to condense what we do into a single leaflet just doesn’t work. With all the different classes, sizes, weights of delivery of mail and parcels and leaflets I can’t be concise enough to explain it well and leave the potential customer without any further questions.
If you haven’t added us on TikTok it’s @localpostalwirral
I’m hoping to put some more meaningful (boring) content on their as soon as I get the confidence to be able to not retch when hearing my own voice, it might take some time.
Not just a postman