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Direct Addressed (& stamped) Marketing or DAM

The most undervalued word in our business is SOLUTIONS. We don’t just offer a same day mail and parcel service throughout the Wirral. We think of solutions to a whole range of issues with regards to posting your mail or delivering your parcels. These won’t just be economically viable, they have the potential to elevate your business to the next level, and furthermore the solutions are free to our clients using our service. Normally at this point I would throw a few examples in and believe me there are a lot, all tailored to suit their business, their demographic and delivered with the expertise and efficiency only we can offer. The problem with giving out examples socially it weaponises any replica business or gives businesses that aren’t using us an idea of how they can increase sales themselves, by looking at issues surrounding their current postal situation. A lot of our ideas can’t be replicated by other delivery companies because they simply don’t have the more personable complete service we offer.

We strive to increase sales for our clients, the more successful they are, the more successful we become. When postman pat picks up your mail and it disappears on several needless van journeys multiple pairs of hands to be delivered by someone who is not the original postman pat. They don’t get the connection that we get, I pick up your mail and I deliver it. I connect you to your customers, promoting your business when I am lucky enough to meet your customers on the doorstep. This is having a huge positive effect on sales for your business, firstly as people recognise your supporting a local business instead of feeding the corporate machines, and also because whenever we can we stop and say hello with a few simple words promoting your business and allowing your customers to know something about their mail before they even read it.

DAM is probably not a new concept, but it is they way we do it. I will give an example of how this works after I have demonstrated what’s wrong and wasteful about current marketing methods.

You produce marketing material in the forms of a leaflet or a postcard, one thing I always stress to businesses “put an offer on it”. If there’s no offer on it your leaflet will be far less likely to be acted upon. In this example I am going to pretend your business is a driveway business creating amazing new driveways for your clients. You decide to pay a company to do a leaflet job as leaflet delivery is extremely time consuming and poorly paid (180 calls an hour at 5p per leaflet is £9 per hour) your time is better spent doing what you do best, driveways. Your leaflets will be getting delivered to every house in certain areas, but within these areas are new builds with brand new drives. Households that have recently had a new driveway installed, houses that are housing association rented etc. All of these wasted leaflet calls will yield zero sales, leads from leaflets can be challenging but not if you pinpoint and deliver smart. The first problem and the major problem with leaflets is they are not addressed giving the customer a sense of everyone’s getting one, their is no importance attached to it and usually ends up in the bin. It’s not targeted as we have mentioned, leading to a lot of wasted leaflets and wasted time of employing a leaflet delivery firm. You produce a leaflet or preferably a postcard leave a space for a stamp and an address and when we cover the Wirral every week on our bike deliveries we can deliver in this circumstance to every house that looks like a new driveway might be on their bucket list, then with your stamped card we just add the address before we deliver. Targeted personalised mail and not random leaflet. It’s proving very popular and it’s really working. Constantly evolving and bringing you the greatest innovations to revolutionise the postal industry on the Wirral.

Not just a postman.

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